
  • Vietnamese citizens, who have full capacity for civil acts.

  • Are at the age of from 18 to 60 on the effective date of the loan agreement and not to be older than 65 years of age on the expiration date of the loan agreement;

  • Have a loan duly approved by the Bank and voluntarily assign any beneficial interest to the Bank.

  • Do not have epilepsy, any mental illness or leprosy;

  • Are not disabled from 50% upward.

  • Are not under treatment of any illness or injury.

Geographical limit

  • Any risks occurring withinthe territory of Vietnam.

Sum Insured

  • From VND10 million to VND200 million/person,

Insurance Benefits

  • Accidental death or total permanent disability: Full payment of the outstanding balance of the loan as of the occurrence of the insured event (excluding monthly repayments + late payment interest + penalty).

  • Death or total permanent disability due to any illness, disease or complication during pregnancy and delivery: Full payment of the outstanding balance of the loan as of the occurrence of the insured event (excluding monthly repayments + late payment interest + penalty).