Nguyen Thanh Tam 

28 years old, Hanoi

Last year, as I was a new and inexperienced driver, I was really nervous. After I did online search and got advice from my friends, I decided to take out PTI’s comprehensive car insurance. At the end of the year, unfortunately, when I was driving on a road, which was in very poor condition, my car was heavily damaged. Very quickly, in only about 20 minutes, PTI’s surveyor came and took my car to a garage and instructed me to do all the claims procedure to get paid soon. More importantly, there was no sign of the damage on my car as it was repaired by the most reputed garage in Hanoi. I am very pleased with how the surveyor did his work. This year, I will renew my car insurance policy here.

Ho Si Long

32 years old, Yen Bai

Working in a substandard environment makes me susceptible to respiratory diseases. For this reason, I decided to purchase health insurance to protect me against any harm to my physical or mental well-being. I bought PTI’s critical illness insurance last year. I have had my policy renewed this year, and unfortunately, during a recent visit to my doctor, I am diagnosed with Stage II lung cancer. I am very scared and it feels like my life is over because I think I do not have enough money for my struggle against the “death”. However, I get immediate support from PTI and the claims procedure is extremely simple. Only after a short time, PTI has paid me VND330 million to continue my fight for life. Though there is no sign of remission, I feel secure about my treatment. Hopefully, I will be able to get over this soon. Thank you, PTI.

Nguyen Thai Long  

33 years old, Hai Phong

I drive a container truck to transport goods from Haiphong to Yen Bai. As the road is long and in poor condition and the vehicle is difficult to drive, I have decided to buy comprehensive insurance for my truck and goods carried thereon. It feels like I am fully protected by PTI. I have taken out this insurance for three or four years and there have been so many unforgettable memories but still remember the time when was driving in heavy rain and flood conditions. My truck was carrying electronic equipment, which was extremely susceptible to water damage. When I got close to the destination, rain poured out of the sky and the goods were then totally damaged. I contacted PTI as soon as I discovered the loss. My paperwork and all the claims procedure were done easily with the help of PTI’s surveyors. Thank you, PTI.

Hoang Lam 

21 years old, Ho Chi Minh City

I and my friends love backpacking so much and we often head out on road trips across the country to remote areas to do charity work. Last year, unfortunately, on a trip to the West, an incident occurred and a friend in my backpacking team was suffered from a severe leg injury, preventing him from walking normally for one year. After that occurrence, my parents advised to purchase PTI’s travel insurance to protect me, as a travel lover, against any possible risks. As I and my friends are travelling to Thailand, I will definitely buy PTI’s travel insurance to get full protection. I have found out that the cost is very low and I can buy this insurance online. This is very convenient and time-saving. Just a few clicks and I am ready for my trip.

Dinh Thai Bao Lam

54 years old, Nha Trang

As I own a chain of Karaoke bars in Nha Trang, in which I have invested a lot of money, I have purchased PTI’s property insurance to protect me against any loss, especially after a series of fire disasters in Hanoi and An Giang. My friends also buy many of PTI’s insurance products and they are very pleased and they recommend PTI to me. I get great support from your enthusiastic members and the paperwork is very simple. I do not hope to get paid by you but after I purchased this insurance, I feel like I am luckier. Revenues have increased rapidly and my customers are always satisfied with the service and especially I have not suffered from any property damage. Thank you, PTI.