Comprehensive insurance for students



Pupils and students at nursery schools, kindergartens, primary schools, lower and upper secondary schools, universities, colleges, and vocational schools.

Geographical limit

  •  Any risks occurring within the territory of Vietnam

Scope of Coverage

  • Condition A: Death due to any illness or disease

  • Condition B: Accidental death or bodily injury;

  • Condition C: Surgery due to any illness, disease or complication during pregnancy and delivery;

  • Condition D: Hospitalization due to any illness, disease or complication during pregnancy and delivery or any accidental bodily injury.

Sum Insured

  • The Sum Insured of each condition is PTI’s maximum limit of liability for such condition during the term of the policy.

  • Sum Insured: From VND1 million to VND20 million VND per condition;

Insurance Benefits:

  • In case of the Insured Person’ death as covered by this insurance, the Sum Insured stated in the insurance certificate or policy shall be paid in full.
  • In case of the Insured Person’s death as covered by this insurance, the Sum Insured stated in the insurance certificate or policy shall be paid in full.;
  • If the Insured sustains a bodily injury as a result of an accident covered by this insurance, payment shall be based on the Benefit Table.
  • Where the Insured undergoes surgery due to any illness or disease, payment shall be based on the Benefit Table attached to the Policy Wording.
  • Where the Insured Person is hospitalized due to any illness, disease or bodily injury caused by an accident covered by this insurance, PTI shall pay a daily allowance of 0.3% of the Sum Insured, up to 60 days per year.